
Setup Generator

Note: Using the setup generator is highly recommended if you are new to crypto mining

Stratum Configuration (Advanced Miners)

stratum+tcp:// CPU Mining
stratum+tcp:// GPU Mining
stratum+tcp:// High-End Multi GPU Mining

Login using your wallet address as username. An optional workername can be appended to your address separated by a dot character. Leave the password blank.


To mine directly to an exchange you need append your paymentId to your address separated by a hash sign.


SSL/TLS: To connect using SSL/TLS please add 10 to the respective port number. For ccminer, claymore and sgminer change the protocol from stratum+tcp:// to stratum+ssl://. For dstm's Miner change the protocol from stratum+tcp:// to ssl://. XMRig does not currently support SSL.

Windows Nvidia GPU Mining

  • The following step requires the 7zip archiver which can be downloaded from here
  • Download ccminer from here. Make sure to select the correct version for your hardware and Operating System (32-Bit or 64-Bit) - when in doubt choose 32-Bit
  • Extract the archive and open ccminer.conf in a text-editor of your choice
  • Replace the contents of the file with:
     "max-log-rate" : 30,
     "quiet" : false,
     "debug" : false,
     "protocol" : false,
     "cpu-priority" : 3,
     "algo" : "cryptonight",
     "url" : "stratum+tcp://",
     "user" : "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS",
     "pass" : "d=8"
  • Replace YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Electroneum wallet address. If you don't know your address, read this section first
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot to make it easier to distinguish between your rigs when evaluating your results. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>.<WORKERNAME>
  • To mine directly to an exchange you need append your paymentId to your address separated by a hash sign. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>#<PAYMENT_ID>.<OPTIONAL WORKERNAME>. Be advised that the payout threshold is much higher for payouts to exchanges due to the significantly increased transaction fees.
  • Save the file
  • Start ccminer.exe or ccminer-x64.exe

Windows AMD GPU Mining

  • Download sgminer from here
  • Extract the archive and open sgminer-etn.conf in a text-editor of your choice
  • Replace the contents of the file with:
      "name": "",
      "url": "stratum+tcp://",
      "user": "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS",
      "pass": "x",
      "priority": "0",
      "profile": "etn"
      "name": "etn",
      "algorithm": "cryptonight",
      "rawintensity": "896",
      "worksize": "8",
      "gpu-threads": "1"
    "default-profile": "etn",
    "no-extranonce": true,
    "gpu-platform": "1"
  • Replace YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Electroneum address. If you don't know your address, read this section first
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot to make it easier to distinguish between your rigs when evaluating your results. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>.<WORKERNAME>
  • To mine directly to an exchange you need append your paymentId to your address separated by a hash sign. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>#<PAYMENT_ID>.<OPTIONAL WORKERNAME>. Be advised that the payout threshold is much higher for payouts to exchanges due to the significantly increased transaction fees.
  • Save the file
  • Run start.bat

Windows CPU Mining

  • Download XMRig 64-Bit or XMRig 32-Bit. When in doubt choose 32-Bit.
  • Extract the archive and open config.json in a text-editor of your choice
  • Replace the contents of the file with:
    "algo": "cryptonight",
    "av": 0,
    "background": false,
    "colors": true,
    "cpu-affinity": null,
    "donate-level": 2,
    "log-file": null,
    "max-cpu-usage": 75,
    "print-time": 60,
    "retries": 5,
    "retry-pause": 5,
    "safe": false,
    "syslog": false,
    "threads": null,
    "pools": [
        "url": "",
        "user": "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS",
        "pass": "x",
        "keepalive": true,
        "nicehash": false
  • Replace YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Electroneum address. If you don't know your address, read this section first
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot to make it easier to distinguish between your rigs when evaluating your results. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>.<WORKERNAME>
  • To mine directly to an exchange you need append your paymentId to your address separated by a hash sign. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>#<PAYMENT_ID>.<OPTIONAL WORKERNAME>. Be advised that the payout threshold is much higher for payouts to exchanges due to the significantly increased transaction fees.
  • The setting donate-level controls the percentage of your hash power XMRig donates to its developer. Feel free to adjust this to your liking.
  • Save the file
  • Run xmrig.exe

Linux Nvidia GPU Mining

  • To mine Electroneum on Linux using a Nvidia GPU you first need to install Nvidia Cuda
  • Download ccminer from here
  • Extract the archive with tar xfj ccminer-linux-x64-nvidia-cuda-8.0.tar.bz2 followed by cd ccminer-linux-x64-nvidia-cuda-8.0 and create ccminer.conf in a text-editor of your choice
  • Paste:
     "max-log-rate" : 30,
     "quiet" : false,
     "debug" : false,
     "protocol" : false,
     "cpu-priority" : 3,
     "algo" : "cryptonight",
     "url" : "stratum+tcp://",
     "user" : "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS",
     "pass" : "d=8"
  • Replace YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Electroneum address. If you don't know your address, read this section first
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot to make it easier to distinguish between your rigs when evaluating your results. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>.<WORKERNAME>
  • To mine directly to an exchange you need append your paymentId to your address separated by a hash sign. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>#<PAYMENT_ID>.<OPTIONAL WORKERNAME>. Be advised that the payout threshold is much higher for payouts to exchanges due to the significantly increased transaction fees.
  • Save the file
  • Run ./ccminer

Linux CPU Mining

  • Download XMRig 64-Bit
  • Extract the archive and open config.json in a text-editor of your choice
  • Replace the contents of the file with:
    "algo": "cryptonight",
    "av": 0,
    "background": false,
    "colors": true,
    "cpu-affinity": null,
    "donate-level": 2,
    "log-file": null,
    "max-cpu-usage": 75,
    "print-time": 60,
    "retries": 5,
    "retry-pause": 5,
    "safe": false,
    "syslog": false,
    "threads": null,
    "pools": [
        "url": "",
        "user": "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS",
        "pass": "x",
        "keepalive": true,
        "nicehash": false
  • Replace YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Electroneum address. If you don't know your address, read this section first
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot to make it easier to distinguish between your rigs when evaluating your results. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>.<WORKERNAME>
  • To mine directly to an exchange you need append your paymentId to your address separated by a hash sign. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>#<PAYMENT_ID>.<OPTIONAL WORKERNAME>. Be advised that the payout threshold is much higher for payouts to exchanges due to the significantly increased transaction fees.
  • The setting donate-level controls the percentage of your hash power XMRig donates to its developer. Feel free to adjust this to your liking.
  • Save the file
  • Run xmrig

Getting a Wallet

Before you can start to mine you need to create a wallet. Although Electroneum is an entirely digital asset, you still need a place to store them. This is done in a digital wallet. There are multiple methods to obtain a wallet which vary by ease of use and the security they provide.

Official Wallet

The official Electroneum Wallet is the Electroneum Wallet Manager. To create your wallet, just create an account and follow the instructions step by step.

Electroneum Wallet Manager

Cold-storage wallets

For long-term storage of Electroneum you should create a paper wallet. A paper wallet is extremely secure if you guard your Electroneum private key by storing it in a password vault such as KeePass or LastPass or printing it out and depositing the sheet in a real bank vault.

Registering with an exchange

There are multiple digital currency exchanges you can register with. Registering with an exchange allows you to create a wallet on the exchange for every currency the exchange supports. Registering with an exchange is probably the most convenient way to obtain a wallet. Unfortunately it is also the least secure one. Exchanges have been hacked in the past!

Popular exchanges supporting Electroneum are: Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken, Bitfinex and HitBTC.

Miner Hashrate
etnkMDukLsAUaJh1m5kRhehJo18Dg9gqNNVrf1F4F6eAhkJhoPZd2zcCGy9Jn5fKH9LYHGN8KjTYb5xGSRhduvS75rsrEr9TZa 7.97 KH/s
etnkD5wngmx3b2dANwfm7YDnwWkmGL7Yd4ZDmpqApy7NADe2thWsQX8DNxW1Kyf5idQnV5AXfoVr8Y4TaoKkNrDg94db3wU1Gg 6.82 KH/s
etnk8Du51466wTqCbdEdCEL5hP79WLT1b5d3sxFKcpjC6WUfPDnq4ko6tAW7qEGMpx3WCRNbc38g5fTJnB3hG3646DMC2BprQa 6.14 KH/s
etnjzKFU6ogESSKRZZbdqraPdcKVxEC17Cm1Xvbyy76PARQMmgrgceH4krAH6xmjKwJ3HtSAKuyFm1BBWYqtchtq9tBap8Qr4M 5.55 KH/s
etnk4CgfqkHWdhkTQCqYgXS79Y97xTegkSzAmU3MUXUKY8V9JRTPC7u4B7opDJ6j5fYdFAgFpmoFJfV49ZRLNCQ78EJhMWGu1D 3.51 KH/s
etnkAeq2Rh3LMRxkB5HeC9ZxQkLrwkfu2A1okftuBci1c6Ary3uXx3DciZ74G4sjRBGJcctgz8LdYN2J8A9EnmK62BYKvxVpBN 3.18 KH/s
etnkDU6KvkiNbuSikJf3sV5wDBty87ZMADt2J3c8Rub94rVj65K5gbp7hXs4zXVokTcuqU9xNn9rzaGQ5BbXBfKs57cc6s4abK 3.16 KH/s
etnk5dm4cDe2dQ5vmsuCkN23YyKdGpjWcYaWixrA2pZuVsuKN29hH8mSVXLM1FhBs5WVHW543aRp4jakGQsBGr3S1mVjCVtgXo 3.01 KH/s
etnkErKRZrSi4KVuSaorLkdvnp3oqZoTv9ho3CzF2CK5Rd5FAbv7EpZG5121hAR8S4REoDrcxX7kwRYHQREiZWno2Rm167gN5S 2.86 KH/s
etnkEhrj6NXP77j61q13BbVSEwGJW6rD38EXzw1PjpvZGnZQ7Xj5be2NbLTz799fyT8ssGo3C6MTJfuyeqbVtiT13m94UAJj7k 2.61 KH/s
etnkGCVcMR8DYr6i1FmiYfThiEAQSBeVo4r3oLoSKi2w9wuPbmHBgQSLU4aEnu44tSDbkawYR56GwLBxKmkLk9vf6CzvD91aSP 2.40 KH/s
etnk15ddxy5TEUNME8ECUBge3YehC14tVRuZ7yv4hSkNdRUTsz8XqZ4PdgpYZUUDHDG73pk5UTnN4TPivCZjoKCpAQh9aFZWdN 2.23 KH/s
etnk2sfeeCx3y26qzTFjpe8VXQk39fZEBDXSXQY2zSUV5jtgqEsHcNZ52TbUzDTFLNPUuaZ96GCS3MyXe8he1NC4712XJfKF8L 2.13 KH/s
etnkL8LTndwaGV5yuH1XVYUzjbJWWFdAtWh1scPGGryjNouRNKXemdUi1fXo6HK4D4Lf5esZwvw9HDNgv7fHrDtr66yQCKcbBy 2.01 KH/s
etnkE7jUFL37B7rgJgKMtN9xGmbMD5uoQ6G38vPWwgDgenEZDfjGQSEDFx3f5VwJYHgBWhx6NqUjjXxPUCbBKpXyAL2g4mxauo 1.83 KH/s
Miners 106
Hashrate 130.29 KH/s
Network Hashrate 319.44 MH/s
Network Difficulty 19.1 G
Algorithm Cryptonight
Block Effort 74%
7500 3102
25000 3103
200000 3104
Payment System PPLNS
Fee 0.15%
Minimum Payout 10 ETN
Minimum Payout via Exchange 50 ETN
Miner Earnings 105774.41 ETN
Pool Wallet etnk712BytMUJTX4BKsYyjCoe2pScBGKe2BUgZvDrLFr93Z9cyhQPTtdvgbefpzwekKnChey6aKBEG79PKSbqkXB4dZgmPskAE
ETN-USD $0.07
ETN-EUR €0.06

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